Building a storytelling pr case – a radical show car – which embodies the character of Chromjuwelen as a vehicle.
1972 Pontiac "LeSupra" LeMans – Facts
1972 Pontiac LeMans 2dr Sedan
1970 Pontiac LeMans frontclip
Custom rollcage, Toyota Celica seats, Schroth shoulder harnesses
1991 Toyota "7M-GTE" Supra (3.0 litre (2954 cc), 24-valve, tubocharged)
5-speed manual Toyota transmission
Kevlar/ceramic clutch
Pistons, Rods
JE Pistons (Turbo/Nitrous), Eagle H Beam Rods, JE Nitrous/Turbo Rings, 900 HP Piston, Rod and Ring Combo (7MGTE 1987-1992 Supra Turbo)
Eagle 4340 Steel H Beam Rods with ARP bolts
JE Turbo/Nitrous Pistons with 8.4:1 compression ratios available
Bore size, 83.50 or 84.00mm only
JE wrist pins and locks
JE Turbo/Nitrous ring set - Set of 6
Combination is good for 900 HP
Will handle 35 PSI of Boost and or 300 Shot of Nitrous
Wastegate 6,8 PSI, 46 mm
Haltech E6X ECU
"Liquid To Air" Intercooler System (AC System converted into an intercooler system)
Speedstar-Tecs exhaust system, 75mm
K&N aircleaner
KAT (CNC-Motorsports.com)
Suspension, Brakes, Wheels
Custom tubular A-arms, teflon bushings
Ventilated discs (front, 1980 Chevrolet Camaro)
AEZ Nemesis 8 1/2 x 19 (v. 245/40R19, h. 255/40R19)
[...] “We are putting a 1991 3.0 Toyota Supra engine in a 1972 Pontiac LeMans,” said Ralf. “Maybe you have seen it already.” With those words, Ralf went from garage rat to post-modern rod hero. - Hemmings Motor News, May 22, 2007
[...] Sushi mit Ketchup? Das ist schlimm. Noch schlimmer ist es für Puristen, wenn japanische Motoren in Musclecars verpflanzt werden, in uramerikanische Kultautos. Ralf Becker hat es getan - die Fangemeinde ist zutiefst verstört. - SPIEGEL ONLINE, September 09, 2007
[...] we're going to keep an eye on these guys, you never know what kind of shenanigans those Germans are getting into. - Jalopnik.com, February 19, 2008
All current articles on ralfbecker.com
May 22, 2007, Hemmings Blog: "Fast, anti-furious: Supra-LeMans"
May 22, 2007, Hemmings Blog: "The Tao of the Supra-LeMans: Ralf speaks"
May 24, 2007, Autoblog.com: "It's a mad world: Meet the Supra-LeMans"
May 25, 2007, Engine Swap Depot: "Pontiac LeMans with Supra 7M-GTE"
May 26, 2007, CarDomain: "Toyota Powered Pontiac"
September 25, 2007, SPIEGEL ONLINE (inkl. Video): "US-japanischer Kultwagen: Sakrileg im Motorraum"
October, 2007, Bild.de: "In diesem Ami-Schlitten schlägt ein Herz aus Japan"
November 8, 2007, Auto Tuning News: "Japan-Amerikaner: Pontiac Supra-LeMans mit AEZ Nemesis"
Februrary 2, 2008, AUTO BILD Klassik: "Toyota Technik im Musclecar: Ein Typ aus zwei Welten"
February 19, 2008, Jalopnik.com: "German Confounds Us With Pontiac LeSupra"
February, 2008, Didn't You Hear...: "...It's Tuner Tuesday: Pontiac LeSupra"
Press (Print)
November 1, 2007, Hemmings Motor News: "Hamburg Jazz"
Street Magazine
AUTO MOBIL [05:00] – VOX, November 2008
US-Japanischer Kultwagen: Sakrileg im Motorraum [02:11] – September 2007
Production: SPIEGEL.DE ("US-japanischer Kultwagen: Sakrileg im Motorraum")
Pontiac LeSupra [01:44] – July 2007
Production: Chromjuwelen.com, Tatjana Böcher.